What Is The Interest Rate On A Loan Or Cash Advance?
Cash advance loans can provide a fast way to pay for an emergency expense or create a little breathing room in your budget until pay day, but getting one is not free. Speedy Cash offers a variety of cash advance loans including short-term payday loans, longer-term installment loans, and flexible lines of credit. The interest you pay on a loan from Speedy Cash will depend on the type of loan you borrow and individual state rates and regulations.
Payday Loans
Assume that your pay day is seven days away, but your electricity will be turned off if you do not pay the bill within five days. A short-term payday loan could help you avoid disconnection and reconnection fees – typically, for a flat fee.
Installment Loans
If your water heater breaks and you need a larger loan, chances are you'll need longer to pay it off. A Speedy Cash installment loan with multiple fixed payments could be your solution. Instead of a flat fee, your installment loan will accrue interest daily until your loan balance is paid in full.
Line of Credit Loans
If you’ve had a streak of bad luck, and have found yourself needing a helping hand month over month, then a line of credit may be right for you. A line of credit functions much like a credit card. You’re given a maximum amount that you can use over a period of time, and you can borrow against that amount as you need money. Similar to an installment loan, you will be charged daily interest until your balance is paid in full. As you pay down your principal balance, you can withdrawal cash, up to your approved credit limit.